employee resources app

Employee Resources iOS Mobile App

Is it enough to communicate with your employees only through email or Intranet? What is an Employees Resources app? How important is it to have an Employee Resources iOS mobile app in your company?  These are some of the questions that companies are asking themselves nowadays. In order to be […]

ui/ux trends and predictions

UX Trends and Predictions For 2022

Was 2021 better than 2020? It depends on how we look at things. However, if we consider UI and UX trends designs, I would say yes, it was better. There were a lot of new applications, as well as software for app development created. All of this just showed that […]

how to build a mobile app without coding?

How to Build a Mobile App without Coding?

In this contemporary and tech-savvy world that we are living in, all of us are trying to ease their life by using applications. And we are using them because they make our life at least ten times easier. We have apps for communication, training, work, entertainment, shopping…whatever you can think of, there is probably an app developed that can help you.